Tuesday, December 22, 2009

baby on my head

This is a typical position for Reichen when he's watching tv. He will stay in this position much longer than I would like him to. I'm glad he's able to relax. I may need a chiropractor.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Reichen's first day of preschool

Reichen started Preschool today! I was really worried how he would do, since he melts down in the nursery at church. But he did absolutely great! He didn't shed a tear. I cried for an hour, but now I'm over it. Oh, and he has the same teachers that Avery had in 2 year old preschool, and they are my absolute favorites. I wish they could follow the boys the whole way through school.

The play by play of his day

The food was his favorite part... as always!

He stood at the door for about 30 seconds before crossing the threshold.
Felt like the longest 30 seconds of my life, since I wasn't sure if he was going to cry or not.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Looking at the picture, Avery asks: "Is that my Willie?"
My response: "no Spidey, it's just your finger".

Saturday, June 13, 2009

mama's top 5 phrases this week

Another week has gone by, but this one went v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.

Phrase 5: "How much can you possibly poop?" ~ said to Reichen

Phrase 4: "Poor, poor boy." ~ said to both boys; explanation will follow on tomorrow's post

Phrase 3: "Not again!"

Phrase 2: "I'm the BOSS!" ~ followed with Avery saying, "well daddy's the bigger boss"

Phrase 1: "Well daddy's not here!" ~ see phrase 2

Saturday, June 6, 2009

mama's top 5 phrases this week

So I've decided to start a new Saturday post.  These are the top 5 phrases said around the house this week by me... more times than I wanted to say them, more times than the Shauan men wanted to hear them.  Thus the weekly "mama's top 5 phrases this week"!  (If someone can think of a better title, I'm very open to suggestions)

Phrase 5:  "What-in-the-world!??!"  dash is emphasis of a pause when saying it... dramatic affect for the boys

Phrase 4:  "Avery, release your brother's feet!!!"  he has an obsession... think King Julien and Mort

Phrase 3:  "Reichen, get down from there!!!  he climbs everything

Phrase 2:  "I'm going to cut my face off!!"  my allergies laugh at me as they torment me.

Phrase 1:  "Jesus, help me"   for explanation see above 4 phrases

Thursday, May 28, 2009

reichen sleeping

Sometimes Reichen sleeps like this... (in his highchair)

or sometimes like this... (in the front of a shopping cart)

or sometimes like this... (standing up, leaning over his crib)
in all of them he is OUT!

Monday, May 25, 2009

memorial day

Today in the United States is a national holiday... Memorial Day.  A day when we stop and honor and remember those who have fought, sacrificed and died fighting for our country and freedom.  Avery is at the age when he is starting to understand more about the difference between good and evil.  So this evening Wayne and I are going to share with Avery about our friend David Hart.  David was killed in Iraq in January 2008.  He died fighting for his country, family, friends, and most importantly his brothers in arms that were taking fire right beside him.  David's wife Nicole is continuing David's legacy through the American Widow Project.  She and the founder Taryn Davis were the keynote speakers at the USAA Memorial service.  You can watch it here  and then click on "watch memorial day ceremony".  They're also in the National Memorial Day Parade today. 

It's a privilege to teach Avery and Reichen about David's life.  If they're even half as dedicated to their country as David, then we'll have some strong sons.  How will you remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice today?

David and Nicole Hart

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

madras shorts

I've tried to take a picture of the boys in their matching madras shorts.  Of course they didn't cooperate, because they're boys and they're 1 and 4.  As much as I want to yell at the top of my lungs "JUST STAND STILL, LOOK AT THE CAMERA AND SMILE AT THE SAME TIME!", I know it wouldn't work and they would cry and run away.  So after deleting countless blurry photos and close-ups of Reichen's hand reaching for the camera, I'm left with Avery doing some sort of Indian dance move in one picture and in the other picture Avery is holding Reichen still with his hand on his head.  Not great pictures, but they catch the boys in true behavior.  Life with men....

Saturday, May 2, 2009

3 months... really?

Okay, I don't know where the last 3 months have gone in blogger land.  What can I say, I just didn't feel like sitting down and doing it.  It's not like there were a lack of activities... Reichen's first birthday, Reichen's first hair "trim" (it was mullet like), Grammy and Pap came for a visit, Avery adding to his great quotes, some kitchen improvements, DTS graduation, Spring Break team from Pennsylvania, Momma only beach trip... I guess I have some back blogging to do.  I'm looking forward to the rest of spring... more new things are coming.  I need a new hair style (yes the dread is gone, my mom got it out when she was here.  And it hurt really bad), the blog needs a new style, and I can't stand going to my friend's blogs and seeing my name at the bottom because it's been 3 months of no blogging!  So I guess I'm going to blog again.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

little shepherd boy

We've put the gates up to keep Reichen out of the kitchen.  Who knew they would become the gateway to the zoo?  Everyday there's a different set of animals on the other side of the gate.  This day it was the sheep farm.  

And I still haven't decided what to do with the dread...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

what to do, what to do...

See that thing growing out of the side of my head?  That would be an unintentional dreadlock.  How does one get an unintentional dreadlock?  When you have hair like mine, it's pretty easy.  All it takes is going to bed with wet hair.  This is what I woke up to.  It's not the first time, but it is by far the worst. Normally it will come out with lots of combing, tugging and pulling.  Not this time.  It's a huge knot.  And it's only growing.  I think I'm going to have to cut it out.  I've had to do that before, but it's never been along my hair line.  And this would definitely be obvious since it's on my neck and about two inches in circumference.  What to do, what to do...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bless Your Heart, Tramp!

It seems I have no problem making a fool of myself.  I think it comes with an "I could care less what people think of me" attitude.   Of course deep down I care... just not nearly as much as I should.  Honestly, it's almost like I set myself up for these things...  I've been going to the gym for two weeks straight now.  I know, I know, SHOCK and AWE.  I've surprised myself.  So I've found that if I read a book while on the stationary bike, the time goes by so much faster.  The book is so funny!  

How funny is this book?  So funny that I literally was laughing out loud in the middle of the "library quiet" fitness center... uncontrollably.  Did tears streak my cheek?  Yes, maybe with a little sweat mixed in as well.  Once I caught my breath did I continue to spin those wheels only to burst into laughter again?  Yes.  Did people stare at me with that "well, bless your heart" look?  Absolutely!  Which just made me laugh all the harder.  I think the laughter may have worked my muscles more than the actual bike.  Did I read the book again the next day laughing out loud on my bike?  Yes.  

I don't know if you have to be from the south or familiar with southern people to appreciate the book, but I highly recommend it if you fall into one of those categories.  

I've moved onto a serious book.  I'm finally reading "A Long Way Gone, Memoirs of a Boy Soldier".  Now I'll be crying myself off the bike instead of laughing.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

snow day

This morning we woke up to the glistening of snow!  I love, love, love snow.  The only sad part was it didn't stick to the roads and it didn't really last.  Avery's snowman is melted already.  Boo, hiss, boo!  Avery and Wayne had a lot of fun playing, throwing snowballs and trying to catch snow in their mouth.  Reichen went out for about five minutes so that he could experience his first snow.  He even held his first icicle.

Avery getting hit with a snowball.

Avery actually looking at the camera.

Our snow covered bungalow

And I don't know what is going on here.  Only Avery knows.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

can't see the forest for the teeth

I can't tell you how many times I've used the phrase "can't see the forest for the trees".  And chances are I'm referring to having a guy look for something (no specific guy of course).  Well, the other day I had a "guy" moment.  Reichen has been drooling all over the place.  I change his shirt about three times a day because it's just drenched.  His little chin and mouth stay red and chapped no matter how much vaseline or burt bee's pomegranate is put on him.  And his gum is bulging.  I didn't need my college degree (that I don't have) to figure out what was happening.  Tooth number five was FINALLY about to cut through.  It's been trying for what has seemed like forever.  So every day for the last couple of weeks I've been staring at the spot where tooth five is coming through.  I've even subjected my finger to being bit off by rubbing the spot to see if there's any progress of the  jagged dagger.  So this past Wednesday was no different.  Reichen was cracking himself up while he was eating, so being super smart I decided to take advantage of this situation to see if tooth five was in.  It was as if someone turned a floodlight on in his mouth, or perhaps my "guy" blinders had been removed.  Little did I know that this whole time I've been staring at tooth EIGHT!  Five, six, and seven were already out and about in the little guy's mouth chewing cheerios without my knowledge.  How could I have been so blind?  I have no idea.  Maybe I'm just really focused (on one spot).

Friday, January 9, 2009

another milestone

This afternoon Avery and Reichen were having "brother time" in their room.  This would also be known as mandatory play in your crib while your brother plays with his cars on the floor, so mamma can have a cup of coffee on the couch and watch FOX news time.  

Half way through my cup of creama dreama, Avery starts yelling for me to come in their room.  By his high level pitch and the urgency in his voice, I knew something "big" had happened.  In the 18 steps it took me to get to their room I had exhausted every scenario my wild imagination could come up with.  Did I forget to put up the side of the crib?  Reichen wasn't crying... but maybe he was knocked unconscious, or maybe it was going to be that cry that has no sound for 30 seconds because he has inhaled the entire room for what will be the siren of all cries.  But I hadn't heard a horrible thud, so it couldn't be that.  Did Avery give him one of his cars and Reichen was choking on it?  I don't think Avery would do that, he's been warned enough that he knows his hiney would be tanner than his mamma's if he did.  Maybe Reichen fell asleep in the midst of the airplanes taking off and landing in the middle of their room.  Couldn't be that, I haven't experienced those kind of miracles yet.  Two more steps and I'm in the room, cell phone at the ready in case I need to dial 911.

As I round the corner I see Avery standing in the middle of their room with one hand on his hip and one waving up and down at Reichen saying, "look what our baby did for the first time!"

He pulled himself up to a standing position all by himself.  
I guess it's time to take down the mobile in the crib.  
And I guess it's time for me to drink less coffee.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

future Apple Genius

What happens when you give your child a "harmless" bike tool and leave the room for ten minutes?

The computer is dismantled!!  (thank God it was the dinosaur)


people who get something to read when I post every two months.

About Me

I'm a wife, mama, daughter, sister and friend. I'm in love with two boys - Avery and Reichen, and now a girl - Phoenix. I love traveling, experiencing different cultures, long hot baths, pedicures, sipping a cup of coffee, Dr. Pepper with crushed ice, pixy stix, my crazy cat, staring at the American flag, DVR, football, and entire seasons of television shows on DVD. Every week I read People magazine cover to cover as religiously as the sun rises and sets. I love hearing children say the pledge of allegiance and it takes everything within me not to sob like a baby when I hear the National Anthem.

I've been married to my best friend for almost ten years. No one makes me laugh harder than he does!! We've been missionaries with YWAM for the last 15 years. Together we're trying to raise strong sons so that no one will have to heal them as broken men.

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